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Baltimore Ballroom Dancing Classes

Are you looking for a new hobby with numerous benefits for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being? Do you need to learn some dance moves for a formal or social event? Look into our Baltimore ballroom dancing classes at Baltimore Dance Studio today!

Baltimore Ballroom Dancing Classes ballroom 300x300We have a group of dedicated and expert dance instructors who can teach you all kinds of ballroom dances. Whether you are a complete beginner looking to practice some basic ballroom dancing skills, or you are an advanced learner wishing to go professional and participate in competitive dances, our ballroom dance classes will be tailored to help you reach your specific goals.

Baltimore Dance Studio also offers both private ballroom dancing lessons and group classes. This way, you can choose which is more comfortable for you, and you won’t be forced to participate in group dances before you’re ready. And speaking of group dances, we also hold weekly dance parties where you can showcase your skills and interact with people with the same dancing interests.

If you want to know more information about our ballroom dance classes, or you want to proceed and sign up for one, don’t hesitate to contact us right away.

Call Baltimore Dance Studio today at (410) 705-7161 to Schedule your Baltimore Ballroom Dancing Classes!

What is Ballroom Dancing?

If you’re not yet convinced about the idea of learning ballroom dancing, here’s a quick overview of what this dancing style actually entails.

Baltimore Ballroom Dancing Classes ballroom 300x242Ballroom comes from the Latin word “ballare,” which means “to dance.” The first recorded act of ballroom dancing was in 1588, when it was originally still performed by royalties and privileged people alone. When the 20th century came around, ballroom dancing became a popular pastime which was majorly influenced by movies portraying the dance as entertainment with famous dancers, like Fred Astair and Ginger Rogers.

Ballroom dancing is performed in pairs where dancers use step patterns to move rhythmically. There are different types of dances in the world of ballroom dancing, typically categorized into two styles: (1) smooth or standard, and (2) rhythm or Latin.

Smooth or standard styles include foxtrot, quicksteps, tango, waltz, and Viennese waltz. This style is characterized by graceful, elegant, and fluid movements as dancers move across the dance floor. Rhythm or Latin styles, on the other hand, include rumba, cha-cha, jive, paso doble, samba, bolero, east coast swing, and mambo. This style usually requires dancers to dance in only one spot while focusing on giving off vibrant energy and personal flair.

In general, ballroom dancing is a style of dance where you get to tell a story through elegant movements, showcase cultural history with great choreography, and simply enthrall the audience with striking body poses and amazing footwork. However, there’s more to ballroom dancing than its innate beauty.

Should you decide to enroll in one of our Baltimore ballroom dancing classes, you’ll get to meet a dance community of lovely people, significantly improve your dancing skills, and reap several benefits for your physical, mental, and emotional wellness. With ballroom dancing as a hobby or creative outlet, you will expand your social connections and have better opportunities to relieve mental and emotional stress.

Additionally, there are a lot of physical health benefits that ballroom dancing can provide. These include burning fat, toning muscles, improving flexibility, decreasing blood pressure and cholesterol, strengthening weight-bearing bones, improving cardiovascular health, and reducing the risks of being obese and having type 2 diabetes.

Complete Ballroom Dancing Classes

Most of our ballroom dancing lessons last between 45 minutes to a couple of hours, depending on the needs of the learners and the schedule they’ve approved. If you are in a beginner’s class, our dance instructors will first discuss the nature of the specific ballroom dance you’ll be learning. The class will consist of a warm-up, study of basic movement and rhythm and learning a dance choreography.

And as we mentioned before, Baltimore Dance Studio offers all kinds of Baltimore ballroom dancing classes. Our dance instructors are highly capable of teaching all types of ballroom dances, whether they are international, American, or simple social dancing styles.

What to Wear and Bring

If you’ve already decided you want to get in on one of our ballroom dancing lessons, here are a few tips and reminders to help you prepare:

  • Aside from bringing an open mind, it would help if you bring some water, a towel, and a notebook so you can take important notes.
  • Wear lightweight clothes that are breathable and comfortable. It’s important that your clothes don’t restrict movement and that it allows your skin to breathe.
  • Use shoes that make it easy to slide or move around with ease. They should also fit securely so they won’t come off when dance movements get a bit faster or more aggressive.
  • For women, shoes should be low-heeled, so there’s a low risk of twisting an ankle. Backless and open-toed shoes are also not appropriate.
  • For men, shoes should be flat with a smooth bottom, so moving around will be easy. There are dress shoes with rounded toes for formal events that are particularly made for dancing.

Ballroom Dancing Classes for All Levels of Learners

As one of the most highly recommended dance studios in Baltimore, Baltimore Dance Studio always makes it to the point that our learners have a comfortable, enjoyable time as they go through their dancing journey with us. This is why we ensure that we offer private lessons and group dancing classes to provide the privacy or social interaction that our clients want.

Baltimore Ballroom Dancing Classes waltz 300x206If you and your partner are still on the fence about what type of lesson you want to have, the following information may help:

Private lessons. Aside from the obvious privacy, another advantage of having private ballroom dancing lessons is the amount of focus our dance instructor can dedicate to your specific progress. Compared to guiding a whole class, it will be easier for us to identify where you’re struggling and develop a lesson plan to help you improve.

Group classes. In a group dancing lesson, you’ll learn ballroom with a bunch of people with the same dancing skill level as you. This can help motivate you, and given that social interaction will develop at some point, the whole learning process will be much more fun and not as tedious.

Wedding dance lessons. If you’re learning ballroom with your fiance for your upcoming wedding, we have a different class specifically for couples who are about to get married and their entire wedding party. We can choreograph your first dance as a married couple, the wedding party’s performance, mother-and-son dances, and father-and-daughter dances.

Dance parties. To really maximize your learning, let experience enhance your skills for the better and attend our weekly dance parties. You can not only socially connect with other people who love ballroom dancing but can also get advice and inspiration from them.

Call Today to Schedule Your Ballroom Dancing Lessons

Baltimore Ballroom Dancing Classes header logoAre you interested in our Baltimore, MD, ballroom dancing classes? Talk to our dance instructors today, and let us know what specific goals you have in mind. We’ll then recommend the best class for you and ensure that all the time, money, and energy you spent with us will be worth it!

Whether you want to become a better professional ballroom dancer or you simply want to develop a healthy hobby, Baltimore Dance Studio is here to help you out.

Call Baltimore Dance Studio today at (410) 705-7161 to Schedule your Baltimore Ballroom Dancing Classes!